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6 tree(s) planted in memory of Maria Berrios Hector
Anonymous planted 3 trees in memory of Maria Berrios Hector
Friday, February 23, 2024
3 trees were planted in memory of
Maria Elena Berrios Hector

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Heidi Jackson Smith uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Jeanette Haynes is with Maria and I at a Franklin High School football game
Kevin McCabe posted a symbolic gesture
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Hello Chuck and Maria's family - I am heartbroken at your loss and disappointed I could not attend Maria's viewing/funeral, but I wanted to share my condolences. I have been at Philadelphia Insurance for 20 years, and worked with Maria for a long time. I always found her to be an adventurous spirit who cared about PHLY and her co-workers and agents. I admired her willingness to chase after the things she loved and her passion for physical fitness. I knew she cared deeply about her family and kids, but also cared about and pursued her own life and we benefited from it @ PHLY. I wish you love and peace as you progress in a life without Maria's physical presence but with her spirit all around you. Kevin McCabe
Kali Rivera uploaded photo(s)
Monday, February 26, 2024

One day, I must have been in middle school, because my twin sister and I finally got to retire our kiddie bikes for new shiny Huffy mountain bikes. Somehow we talked Mom into letting us get the dark blue and green colors instead of the girly pink and purple. We thought we were cool.
I remember we’d just gotten them. We maybe rode up and down our street a few times when Titi Maria asked us ever so nonchalantly “Do you guys want to go for a ride?” Before she could finish her sentence, we said YES. She said let’s take a ride to Princeton, and the three of us were off. To this day, I don’t know what any of us were thinking but quickly I realized, this was a bad idea.
As the cars were whizzing by us, I looked at my sister and could see she was just as freaked out as I was. Then I looked ahead at Titi Maria. She was of course way up in front, peddling hard and fast. I swear, I think she forgot she took two middle schoolers, on their new mountain bikes, who didn’t know how to shift gears, up the narrow and curvy 206, with so many damn cars flying by. I’m not joking, I could have touched those cars if I released my death grip from the handlebars.
As I continued to look up at Titi hauling ass, both my sister and I knew without saying anything, all we had to do was keep up. She wasn't slowing down for us. That was my Titi–a force of strength, courage, and confidence. If she said we were going to do something, I knew I had to suck it up and move, or get left in her dust. I remember we made it to Princeton that day, but for the life of me, I don’t know how the heck we got home.
Fast forward– 20 years later, I invited Titi to do a 50-mile charity ride with me and a few colleagues in Hershey, PA. She didn’t hesitate to say yes, and yet again, she kicked my butt. She was waiting for me at the finish line, so excited, with that big smile of hers, not because I finished, but because she could get all the free chocolate bars she wanted. I’ll admit it hurt my ego that my 59-year-old aunt beat me that day, but I’ll never forget how proud and in awe I was that my Titi was still the same badass. It reminded me how her unwavering love and support throughout my entire life have shaped me to be the person I am today.
Thank you Titi for always being there, for always pushing me past my fears, and for protecting me. Your love and legacy will always shine through me. To Uncle Chuck, Jaz, Brad, Katie, and Christoper, I love you and I am here for you always.
Heidi Smith uploaded photo(s)
Monday, February 26, 2024




+ 1
My name is Heidi Jackson Smith and I grew up in Kingston as well. I met Maria in Kindergarten. We gravitated to each other automatically as we looked alike: same color, curly hair , blue and pink cat eye glasses and dresses always. We were best friends ever since. We experienced grade school concerts, birthday parties, and school trips together as partners. We participated in the Annual Stokes environmental week long camp as partners in 6th grade and we even shared the punishment ( we had to sweep the cabin) when she ( yes she) had a misstep. :) But I was her ride or die so we swept the cabin together. I watched her take horseback riding lessons and envied her ribbons and achievements during competitions. We took guitar lessons in 8th grade because Ray and Edwin played and we had big plans to be singers with guitars. We would swipe her sisters nail/hair gel pills to try to look like them. We would take turns sleeping over each other's houses simply by getting off the school bus at her house or mine ( and secretly bring our dolls to school so no classmates found us out). We would go back to our own homes whenever. At my house we had the woods to play in, but at her house, she had fields to perfect our cartwheels and front handsprings, Higgins pond to swim in, cows, pigs, a pet deer and even a pair of savage attack geese. At her house she also had her mom's rice and beans and pork chops for sharing. We did sports together in highschool and I learned very quickly to not run miles with Maria as I was a sprinter and could not do her distance runs. But she was ever so encouraging while I gasped for air and wanted to quit. We enjoyed high school, dating and proms together. She won class cutest in our yearbook. We were in each other's weddings. I was pregnant with my youngest while she was pregnant with Brad. I remember us telling each other we were pregnant. She always had a container or rice and beans for me because Mom said her rice and beans made pretty babies and she was right. All this time growing up, we would talk on the phone or get together for lunch and support each other through our marriage, Kids, Moms and other life events. We didn't need to talk all the time but we were there when we needed to be. At the end of our visit and commiserating, we would hug it out and promise to see each other soon and say something to the effect of " let's get back to adulting.". Growing up with Maria taught me to just "go for it", win always but there is nothing wrong with losing as long as you don't get good at it, take risks, and have fun, lots of fun. I feel as if I lost another sibling and now I must get back to adulting for the first time without Maria. She will live in my heart and in my memories forever
Leah Rivera posted a condolence
Monday, February 26, 2024
“Grief is the final act of love.”
I’ll never forget that day on the beach with you and your sisters. The 3 most beautiful women I know, and you three are all that I aspire to be. Titi Maria, I believe love is eternal and I will continue to feel yours as long as you continue to feel mine. I love you.
Lilly Repollet uploaded photo(s)
Monday, February 26, 2024

Maria was my Cousin -Sister, we grew up together in Rocky Hill. She was my friend, my mentor. If ever I wanted to compete in anything she was the one that confidently would say” I can do anything you can do better and she did!
I loved her energy, her confidence and her willingness to help others. Maria, Mugsy till we meet again
Love you always
Georgie Berrios posted a condolence
Monday, February 26, 2024
Hello friends and family. My name is George most of you know me as Georgie.
I profoundly regret not being able to be with you all to celebrate Maria’s journey to heaven .
Being not there, I want to share with you my experience growing up with Maria .
I was seven years old when Maria was born we were even born at Princeton Hospital. A few of us were born there.
We grew up as neighbors but we’re really more like a very close family just lived in separate homes . I got to see you growing up from a young baby to a beautiful adult woman. We shared a lot of good times on the hill growing up together.
And then, in the blink of an eye we’re all grown up some of us getting married and moving on. After mom and dad moved back to Puerto Rico at one point I need a place to stay. I askedTia If I could live with them when they lived in Kingston, without any hesitation, she said yes. Maria was still in school when I lived there. Admired her dedication to fitness and sports. she was awesome. She was dedicated to keeping herself fit and it showed by her accomplishments in school track. She was like a sister to me we always got along well. she was a bridesmaid in our wedding along with Annie and Edwin. That shows how close we were as a family.
Once again, one marries and moves on, but the memories will always stay . At times we would see each other and will never forget Maria smile.
Her determination towards her accomplishments, were relentless . I didn’t realize she had done so much in her life and caring for others.
She will be missed dearly and sorely by all of us . I will keep her in my memories and prayers until we meet again, my dear cousin.
In the most loving way, you’ll always be my Mugsy .Love, Georgie
Christine Foye posted a condolence
Monday, February 26, 2024
Maria was my aunt, my Titi Maria, and my childhood was totally intertwined with the Hector family. We only lived a bike ride away from each other, spent our summers at their house under the gentle care of our MAMA, piled in the van to vacations in Stokes and Disney, or just around the corner to the Ewing pool, we cheered on Katie and Brad at their swim meets, got to share the soccer field with our big cousin Jaz, and had the best family parties in the backyard. The memories are bountiful. However, I would like to share one more recent memory that I will always cherish.
Maria, Chuck, Christopher, and my mom made the drive up to watch my oldest daughter, Paige, play in her soccer tournament last summer. They showed up like the experienced sports spectators that they are, with their chairs, picnic blanket, and a cooler full of drinks and snacks, and they set up shop right on the sideline. Now, for all the parents with kids in competitive sports know, the parent’s sideline of tournament games is no picnic…it’s like we leave our nice, normal selves in the parking lot, and morph into lunatics as soon as our feet touch the grass. My anxiety is usually through the roof, but I was trying to be a gracious host to our guests. Maria sat there in the throne Chuck set up for her, her head wrapped in her scarf and cap, with Chuck beside her, and Christopher laid out on his blanket, mom alongside, and they were just beaming! Beaming with so much excitement at watching Paige and her team compete, and as exciting as 15-year-old girls soccer can get, this game was actually entertaining. I smiled from ear to ear listening to their collective and boisterous “ooohs” when we scored, Christopher ping-ponging his questions about the game between his Mima and Pipa, watching Chuck make the third trip to the empanada food truck to get Maria her relleno de papa, and Titi turning to me and telling me how watching my daughter play reminded her of all the times she watched me play soccer at that age. And I sat there, taking it all in, all the while thinking that SHE was the reason why I was the athlete that I was; I wanted to be just like her. That has now been passed down to my three daughters Paige, Penny, and Pilar. Her legacy through all things athletic: her spirit, her drive, her commitment, and just how aggressive and bold and unapologetic she was about it, that legacy will live on through them. On that beautiful May day, despite all the pain she must have been feeling, she showed up for my family to share in our world, and for one whole game, I felt so much JOY. She lit up our sideline that day with her radiant love and support and that is something I will always carry with me.
The last good day I spent with Titi before she passed, I sat beside her on the couch while she devoured her Whooper jr, and she told me I needed to take more pictures. As we all know, Maria was always with the camera. She saw the best in all of us through her lens, and with a click and a trip to the photo store to print out the pictures, we have all of our best moments to treasure and to serve as reminders of all the good she saw in us. May you keep clicking away in heaven and may we do our best to make you proud. Thank you to Chuck, and especially Jazzy, Katie, and Brad. Thank you for sharing your mom with me and Kali. To the Titi who taught me to be an athlete but an even better woman and mom…I love you and miss you but your spirit will always be with us.
Love you always,
Emma Rivera posted a condolence
Monday, February 26, 2024
As the oldest sibling in the family and Maria our baby sister, our lifetime together would be impossible to recite again. Instead, I’m going to veer off the script and share with you the soundtrack to our lives together. We shared a love of music. The beats, and rhythms, and lyrics flowed between us, spanning decades, marking all of our milestones, providing comfort, and a bond that sustained us until the very end. Maria was eclectic with her tastes: from classical, rock n roll, Motown funk, salsa, merengue, and more; eclectic and vibrant, just like her.
The le-lo-lies that rang over the radio of our childhood were replaced by the one and only Prince and our unique soundtrack together really began. For her 18th birthday, I took my little sister to her very first concert to see him and if you knew Maria well, you knew Prince was her all-time favorite artist, and in his words:
“Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today
To get through this thing called life,
it means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you, there's something else
The afterworld, a world of never-ending happiness”
I know Maria is truly happy now.
Maria was a devout Catholic who made it her mission to serve others, lending her athletic talents to many great causes over the years. She was a strong believer in peace and equality for all and she would want us to believe as John Lennon did in his masterpiece Imagine:
“Imagine a world of peace, without materialism, without borders separating nations, and without religion?”
May all the miles you ran and peddled lead to a world of peace that you had imagined.
And in our sadness, may the great Smokey Robinson comfort us with his Tears of a Clown:
“Now, there's some sad things known to man,
But ain't too much sadder than the tears of a clown”
May the soulful voice of Smokey soothe us when we are sad and always remember Maria’s portrayal of happiness with her beautiful, beautiful smile.
The Temptations was one of our all-time favorites. A band full of joy that always made you wanna move and My Girl was our anthem:
“I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside
I've got the month of May
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way
My girl, my girl, my girl
Talkin' 'bout my girl”
Let us always remember and talk about OUR girl Maria as our sunshine and inspiration forever, and remember the love and care she provided to our girl MAMA for many years.
To the sister who loved to dance, always grooving and shaking anywhere she went. She was the life of the party, jumping in any dance circle with arms raised, bouncing around. She led us six siblings in one last dance circle together at Grant and Jen’s wedding: May her recent favorite artist Pit Bull play:
"Uno, dos, tres, cuatro
Rumba (sí)
Ella quiere su rumba (cómo?)
Si e' verdad que tú ere' guapa
Yo te voy a poner gozar."
One, two, three, four: She wants her rumba
Rumba….It’s true that you are so pretty
So I'm going to make you enjoy your rumba. (dance).”
Maria, may you continue your rumba up in heaven.
I’ll conclude our soundtrack with Maria’s & mine favorite song of all time to sing and dance to; one that played in the background of our most recent time together and her passing, and fortified our bond as sisters:
Vivir la Vida (Live Life) by Marc Anthony
“A veces llega la lluvia
Para limpiar las heridas
A veces solo una gota
Puede vencer la sequía."
Sometimes the rain comes
To clean the wounds
Sometimes with just one dop
You can beat the drought.
"¿Y para qué llorar? ¿Pa' qué?
Si duele una pena, se olvida
¿Y para qué sufrir? ¿Pa' qué?
Si así es la vida, hay que vivirla, la la le."
And why cry? For what?
If pain hurts, let’s forget about it
And why suffer? For what?
If this is life, you just have to live it, la la le.
The music was always playing in our lives and in our hearts. It will always be in the background of our shared time together, forever connecting me to ALL of the special moments God granted us. Maria was my sister and she will always be my sister. But she was an amazing wife to her doting husband Chuck, and the best of mothers to her 3 children: Jazmin, Katie, and Brad. But her role as grandmother, or Mima, to her precious Grandson Christopher, will always be her starring role. Your mother and Mima loved you all so very much and she was so proud. Your Hector Band created your own music and a masterpiece of a soundtrack for life. The music will heal us in our time of despair. And I know María wants us to continue to live life to the fullest, with the volume turned all the way up! Please keep a smile on your face, love in your hearts to share, and may the music never stop. It was an honor to be your big sister.
Te amo mucho mi hermanita “guerrera María”.
Your sister Emma
Annie Rivera posted a condolence
Monday, February 26, 2024
In Loving Memory
of our Wonderful Sister
Of all the special gifts in life
however great or small,
to have you as our Sister
was the greatest gift of all.
May the winds of love blow softly
and whisper in your ear
”We love and miss you Sister
and wish that you were here”
Your memory is my keepsake
with which I’ll never part.
God has you in his keeping,
I have you in my heart.
There were many memories that we shared amongst us sisters, too many to count. But there is one that always comes to mind with our many trips to Atlantic City and dinners with our mama. Mama never drove a car but she was always dicticating to us how we should drive. I remember her saying to us…if a cop stops us, I’ll tell them the truth, that you are “las tres locals y yo la inocente.” You three crazies and I’m the innocent one. That was always how we were, us three crazies with our Mama.
Maria fought so hard this past year, and I did my best to make her feel better.
There were many times after chemo where Maria suffered from a bad taste in her mouth, and the only thing that satisfied her was to know that I was there with my arroz con leche. I really think she just used me for that arroz con leche but there was nothing I wouldn’t do for my little sister, Maria. May she rest in peace with our Mama and Papa in heaven.
I want to thank you all for sharing the life of my sister Maria. I know she’s smiling from heaven upon all of you.
Love your sister,
Annie Rivera
Georgie Berrios posted a condolence
Monday, February 26, 2024
Hello friends and family. My name is George most of you know me as Georgie.
I profoundly regret not being able to be with you all to celebrate Maria’s journey to heaven .
Being not there, I want to share with you my experience growing up with Maria .
I was seven years old when Maria was born we were even born at Princeton Hospital. A few of us were born there.
We grew up as neighbors but we’re really more like a very close family just lived in separate homes . I got to see you growing up from a young baby to a beautiful adult woman. We shared a lot of good times on the hill growing up together.
And then, in the blink of an eye we’re all grown up some of us getting married and moving on. After mom and dad moved back to Puerto Rico at one point I need a place to stay. I askedTia If I could live with them when they lived in Kingston, without any hesitation, she said yes. Maria was still in school when I lived there. Admired her dedication to fitness and sports. she was awesome. She was dedicated to keeping herself fit and it showed by her accomplishments in school track. She was like a sister to me we always got along well. she was a bridesmaid in our wedding along with Annie and Edwin. That shows how close we were as a family.
Once again, one marries and moves on, but the memories will always stay . At times we would see each other and will never forget Maria smile.
Her determination towards her accomplishments, were relentless . I didn’t realize she had done so much in her life and caring for others.
She will be missed dearly and sorely by all of us . I will keep her in my memories and prayers until we meet again, my dear cousin.
In the most loving way, you’ll always be my Mugsy. Love Georgie
Bobbie Heacock Johnson and Family planted a tree in memory of Maria Berrios Hector
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Barbara Beers posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Sending condolences to Maria's family. My father, Harry Beers, spoke fondly of her during his days at Adlerman, Click. May your memories be a source of strength and comfort now and in the days to come.
a parishioner lit a candle
Monday, February 19, 2024

Gladys M Rice planted a tree in memory of Maria Berrios Hector
Monday, February 19, 2024

With heartfelt condolences, Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Catherine Berrios uploaded photo(s)
Monday, February 19, 2024


My beautiful loving cousin Maria. You gave me such great memories especially the summers spent together in NJ. You were strong and never gave up and lived life to the fullest. Your love and spirit will live on within us. Fly high until we meet again. ❤️

A Memorial Tree was planted for Maria Berrios Hector
Monday, February 19, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Poulson-Van Hise Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Maria Elena Berrios Hector uploaded a photo
Monday, February 19, 2024

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5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday, February 23, 2024
Poulson & Van Hise Funeral Directors
650 Lawrence Road
Lawrenceville, New Jersey, United States
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12:00 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Church of St. Ann
1253 Lawrence Road
Lawrenceville, New Jersey, United States
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10:00 am - 11:00 am
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Poulson & Van Hise Funeral Directors
650 Lawrence Road
Lawrenceville, New Jersey, United States
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In Loving Memory
Maria Berrios Hector
1960 - 2024
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Family and friends are coming together online to create a special keepsake. Every memory left on the online obituary will be automatically included in this book.
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